Your Free Coping Mechanism for Slaying the New Normal!

This blog post isn’t about buying toilet paper, sanitisers and hoarding household supplies! No!

I have a lot of time on my hands these days, and I was never a T.V. fan to be honest. I personally don’t watch the news coverage on COVID-19 nor I share the pandemic-related stuff to trigger panic in people. It is not because I don’t care, it’s because I care A LOT for myself, and those around me. Moreover, I believe ignorance is a blessing at times, it helps cope better with uncertain situations and stay alive! I know it’s boring staying indoors (I love travelling myself) BUT above all else, it’s better than taking the risk of getting stigmatised as a COVID-19 victim! That’ll give the already fearful people around you, the runs of their life! And THAT is what will eventually make you lonelier. So here’s how you slay the “New Normal”:

Tell yourself it’s perfectly okay!

First of all, tell yourself, it’s PERFECTLY OKAY! Put those fears, anxieties and looming depression to rest! You’re not alone in this, it’s a global crisis. We were so used to that sense of rush, that hustle and bustle that this quiet secluded time doesn’t look normal, BUT this has somehow become the new normal. Hence bear with it people! AND it isn’t going away that soon, rest assured. Don’t panic, take control over your emotions, and think over what you can do to make the best of this quarantined life.

Coming to a serious note, there are some universal truths that even the deconstructionists won’t deny (Pardon me Late Mr. Jacques Derrida, but this somehow will resonate with you as well; the way I’ll elaborate it):

We have heard many people say that “nothing’s ever permanent”, which actually holds true because the world is ever-changing. Just like the Deconstructivist theory suggests that language is fluid and meanings are not fixed, the word “permanent” does not mean what it means. It actually means what it does not mean, like there are implicit meanings or underpinnings to every text and you need to question it. Ironically, the only thing that’s constant is “change”! So, if something claims to be permanent, you must not believe it. This pandemic isn’t permanent either, it’ll go away when it’s time to go. There’s no such thing as “normal”, it’s just a matter of perspective. You don’t look now like you did twenty years ago, you too have changed, so give the world this liberty too! Accept and embrace the new normal, I hope I make my point here.

History has it!

Now digging some history, you’ll notice that infectious diseases have been gracing the earth since humankind’s hunter-gatherer days. Epidemics like malaria, leprosy, tuberculosis, influenza and smallpox are all commonly heard of and are among the very first that have embittered our race.  There were many pandemics in history, our ancestors are a witness to it. The earliest recorded pandemic, which happened in Athens somewhere around 430 B.C. was more or less like typhoid fever, and killed almost two-thirds of population. This was also one of the reasons Athenians were defeated in the Peloponnesian war. Then in 160 A.D there was this Antonine plague which had symptoms like smallpox. This disease which claimed life of a famous emperor, started with The Huns and spread through the whole Roman Empire till the end of 180 A.D. There was another called Cyprian plague in 250 A.D and so on. We have also heard of Black Death, The Great Plague of London, Spanish Flu, SARS and now COVID-19. So the point I want to make is, that it has always been there, it’s how humans have evolved, adjusted, been immuned and survived. Phew! This was quite a spoonful for your knowledge banks! Hey don’t call me a mood-spoiler because I mentioned death and disease, all I’m saying is that it’s quite normal and it aint NEW! This too shall pass, as they say..

For the fun of it, laugh it off!

Amidst all the misinformation, there’re also some bizarre stories circulating on social media and for the fun of it I’m sharing a few. I just read a psychic prediction that this pandemic was long due, and that it will be over one day…THE FAULT is actually in OUR SARS! I mean STARS!! Astrologers have suggested many ways to harness this virus, they say anything that has a name, has a Zodiac sign and Coronavirus is actually Gemini. The number 19 associated with the virus represents the Sun, which in turn stands for popularity and fame, Hence the Coronavirus was destined to be famous, or notorious! Call it whatever you may, BUT it sure has claimed it in a negative context!

Then there are these conspiracy theories to add some salt and pepper. Researchers are working day and night to come up with a vaccine but it’s going to be a “nanotechnology microchip”, that will be implanted in our bodies and will control us all! AI has sure made a lot of progress. Now I’m sceptical about getting this one, though my immunisation record is up-to-date. Some people are using vodka as a hand sanitiser, some are stuffing themselves with garlic and onions, others are holding their breath for 10 seconds! Heck! These are all unfounded but sure give you a good laugh.

Let’s now come to those who still believe in UFO’s and Extra-terrestrial life “COVID-19 has come from space!” According to Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology, “Covid-19 arrived on earth via a fireball from space that burnt up in China last October.” The Russian Government on the other hand, has unleashed lions in streets to enforce social distancing!  And if you’re a pasta fan, there’s this story about a giant Wembley Stadium lasagne being baked by the UK Government, and a ginormous garlic bread by the French Government. And while we’re listing eatables, some optimistic party-goers (dooby-doos) have claimed that cocaine and marijuana can cure Coronavirus, hence they should be termed “essential” rather than “outlawed”. Another cure according to some is cow-urine, which sounds a bit unpalatable but you know, you need to develop a taste for some things just like sushi. Some jokes about cheap flights to Mexico on a Coronavirus discount are hilarious! I’m sure a lot of you are now chuckling, if not laughing..


Finally, to conclude I would say that you were living in a sense of rush ever since industrialisation set in, ever since technology took over our lives, technoculture ruined our mental peace. It’s time we slow down, become mindful of what we do, of small things or small pleasures. It’s time to re-bond with our family, our children who took refuge behind screens of phones and tablets due to our busy schedules and lack of work-life balance. We must model this positive behaviour for others to follow. Declutter our minds, our living spaces, detox our bodies and indulge in self-care routines.

It’s time we return to physical activities within our houses, help family members with chores, utilise our yards, gardens and patios. Play some kind of sport, explore the unexplored, take nature-walks, feed our passions of reading, writing or whatever we like. Leisure has always been important, and these times have taught us that balance is essential to human mental-psychological health. I hope my blog post helps us connect no matter how socially distanced we are. Humanity will always bring us together, and we’re there for each other emotionally, if not physically. To be honest, if we think positively, some parts of our normal life are not worth rushing back to, so why fret!

I aimed at minimising the anxiety each one of us is enduring by dropping in some humour, it’s a well-known free coping mechanism. As Chris Murphy rightly said, “Comedy, as frivolous and inessential as it may seem, is humanity’s free coping mechanism, a medium that both distracts us from the horrors of the world while allowing us to get our best and worst thoughts out of our heads and off of our chests.”

After all, now you can proudly say you were part of the history when Coronavirus was making HEADLINES! Take care 🙂

Do share your coping mechanism with me in comments!